The Booty Report

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"Blimey! A hefty dose o' TBS be makin' yer limbs dance like a scallywag after a fine rum!"


Avast, me hearties! After three weeks o' magic potion, high-dose TBS be makin' yer flipper work better than a barrel o' rum compared to that trickery sham! Yarrr, even the landlubbers at Medscape be raisin' the Jolly Roger over this fine news!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout a wondrous tale from the world of science and healing! Aye, after a mere three weeks of treatment, a mighty potion known as high-dose TBS be workin’ miracles on the hapless souls stricken by stroke!

Ye see, those scallywags who took part in this grand experiment were tested against a bunch of landlubbers gettin' naught but sham TBS—no real treasure for them! But lo and behold, the brave souls who received the high-dose treatment found their upper limbs dancin' like a shanty crew on a fine sunny day. Their motor functions improved so much, it’d make even Davy Jones himself shed a tear!

So, if ye ever find yerself in a spot o’ bother with yer arms post-stroke, fear not! There be hope on the horizon, brought forth by the sorcery of high-dose TBS! Aye, it seems the good folks at Medscape Medical News be spreadin’ the word on this fine breakthrough. So, raise yer tankards to science, and may the winds of recovery fill yer sails!

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