The Booty Report

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"Yo ho! Cut 'em open first, savvy? 'Tis the key to keepin' the old salts afloat!"


Arrr, matey! Quick cuttin’ be keepin’ ye closer to the land o’ the livin’ than lettin’ it fester or waitin’ like a landlubber. So, if ye be feelin' frail, best to let the sawbones do their magic right away! Savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the treacherous seas of medicine! It be known amongst the scallywags and healers that when a frail landlubber be in peril, swift surgery be the compass to salvation!

Aye, ye heard me right! When the grim reaper be knockin' at the door, a swift slice with the surgeon's trusty blade be the best way to keep that heart beatin' and those bones from turnin' to fish food! Compared to sittin' around and waitin' for the winds to change or trying some nonsurgical wizardry, immediate surgery be like a cannonball to the heart of Davy Jones himself—deadly effective!

These frail souls, bless their withered hearts, be at greater risk of meetin' their maker if left to suffer in delay, or worse, if they be takin' the herbal route! So, raise yer grog and salute the brave souls of the operating table who plunder the depths of mortality with their cutlass-like scalpels!

So, scallywags, heed this treasure of wisdom: when the call of the surgeon rings out, best be heedin’ it quick, lest ye find yerself swimmin' with the fishies! Arrr, life be too precious to waste on delay!

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