The Booty Report

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" Avast! Newfangled CBD salve be quelling them pesky sun rays on me scallywag skin, says the crew's wee experiment!"


Arrr, matey! Other landlubber studies on wee beasties and test tubes be checkin’ if CBD can fend off them nasty sunburns, said the scribes. So keep yer skin from lookin’ like an old sea map, savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin’ the beans!

" Avast! Newfangled CBD salve be quelling them pesky sun rays on me scallywag skin, says the crew's wee experiment!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the wondrous world of CBD and its battle against the wicked forces of UV rays! Aye, it seems that the clever scallywags in their lab coats, in their quest for beauty and skin so smooth it rivals a mermaid's tail, have been pokin' and proddin' in vitro and with murine creatures—those fancy rats, ye see!

These learned souls scribbled down their findings, claimin' that CBD be the valiant hero fightin' off the dastardly damage wrought by the sun's fiery beams upon our precious skin. Aye, it be a perilous journey, for the sun ain't no friend to a sailor’s skin, and if ye ain't careful, ye might end up lookin' like an old sea captain before yer time!

The scribes o' Medscape Medical News reported on this grand adventure, and I can't help but chuckle at the thought of mice donned in tiny pirate hats, battlin' UV rays for the sake of beauty! So hoist the sails and raise a toast to CBD, the unlikely hero in this tale of sun-scorched skin, for who knew a humble plant could take on the mighty sun and help keep our skin as fresh as the morning tide!

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