The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mateys! The Olezarsen be workin' wonders, cuttin' them pesky triglycerides in half like a proper scallywag!


Arrr mateys! Ye be hearin' that a powerful potion aimin' at mRNA of APO C-III be reducin' them triglycerides by half in BRIDGE-TIMI 73a! Aye, the largest loot ever seen in a trial! Yarrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> has the scoop!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring ye news from the high seas of medicine! A shipmate by the name of Medscape Medical News be tellin' us about a magical potion that be targetin' the mRNA that be necessary for producin' the dreaded APO C-III.
This potion be workin' wonders, me mateys! It be causin' a 50% reduction in them pesky triglycerides in a trial called BRIDGE-TIMI 73a. That be the largest reduction ever seen in a controlled trial, by Blackbeard's beard!
So, if ye be strugglin' with high levels of triglycerides, ye might want to be askin' yer ship's doctor about this miraculous potion. Who knows, it might just be the treasure ye be seekin' to improve yer health and keep ye sailin' the seven seas for many more years to come!

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