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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Doth ye know how many wee ones befallen by the dreaded Long COVID?


Arr, ye scurvy parents and doctors be needin' to keep a weather eye out for signs o' long COVID in wee lads 'n lasses. 'Tis a tricky devil, easy to be missin' or confused by those blasted physicians and family groups. Yo ho ho!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, it be a matter of concern for parents and doctors to keep a weather eye open for signs of the dreaded long COVID in young lads and lasses. Savvy? According to the wise physicians and family groups, these symptoms can be as slippery as an eel and might easily escape their attention or be wrongly diagnosed, arr!

Avast, me hearties! The scurvy dogs of long COVID be a treacherous foe, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike unsuspecting children and teens. The landlubbers who call themselves "doctors" and "parents" need to sharpen their wits and be on guard. These symptoms, like a hidden treasure, can be easily missed, mateys. Aye, they can be as elusive as a ghost ship on the high seas!

Arr, me hearties! The wise physicians and family groups warn that these signs of long COVID in young ones may be as stealthy as a pirate ship under a black flag. They might be cunningly hidden beneath the waves, like a fearsome kraken lying in wait. Doctors and parents must be vigilant and listen to the whispers of the wind, for these symptoms can be as slippery as an eel and may escape their grip.

Yo ho ho! The wise physicians and family groups, like a crew of experienced buccaneers, urge parents and doctors to set their spyglasses on these symptoms of long COVID. Failure to do so could result in a missed opportunity to rescue the young scallywags from the clutches of this dastardly disease. Arr, me hearties! Let us not be caught napping, for these signs may be as elusive as a mermaid's kiss!

Ahoy, me hearties, the good doctors and family groups warn ye: the signs of long COVID in children and teens can be as sly as a pirate sneaking aboard a ship. These symptoms, if not spied with a keen eye, might go unnoticed or be falsely diagnosed. So, me hearties, let us be on the lookout for these treacherous signs, for they can be as slippery as an eel and may slip through our fingers like sand through an hourglass!

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