The Booty Report

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"Arrr, the FDA be sendin' a parley, tellin' us me myeloma potion be needin' more magic, savvy?"


Arrr! The scallywags at the agency be sendin' Regeneron a letter o' doom, spoutin' tales from their snoopin' inspection. Aye, this will delay the treasure hunt fer their myeloma potion, linvoseltamab. Avast, me hearties, we be waitin' longer fer this cure!

Arrr mateys! Gather ye round, for I’ve a tale that’ll tickle yer funny bone! The fine folks at the agency, those scallywags in their inspection garb, be sendin’ a whole heap o’ letters to Regeneron—ye know, the landlubbers tryin’ to sail the seas of myeloma treatments with their fancy potion called linvoseltamab!

But alas! The winds of fortune be blowin’ against 'em, as the agency found some troublesome tidings during their preapproval inspection. Aye, they be sendin’ a complete response letter, which be like a cannonball to the hull, delayin’ the approval o’ this miraculous elixir! The crew at Regeneron be scratchin’ their heads, wonderin’ how they’ll chart their course through these stormy waters.

So here we are, with a crew of hopeful buccaneers waitin’ on the edge of their seats, lookin’ for the day when they can finally hoist the sails and set course for approval! Until then, they’ll be swabbin’ the decks and workin’ on their potion, hopin’ to impress the agency’s pirate captains with a concoction that’ll banish myeloma to Davy Jones’ locker! Yarrr, let’s raise a tankard to their efforts and hope the tides turn in their favor soon!

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