The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! The scallywags of the workforce be sayin' we’ve got more healers than a ship's got barnacles!


Arrr, matey! A fresh parchment from Mercer be spillin' tales of an abundance o’ nurses and home healers, even some doc’s in certain ports! Yet, a shortage o’ healers still plagues the seas! Aye, the world be a curious place, it be!

Arrr mateys, lend me yer ears and listen close to this tale of health care woes! A mighty report from the landlubbers at Mercer be tellin’ us of an abundance o’ nurses and home health workers, aye, even some physicians in certain ports! But, fear not, fer the seas be still churnin’ with a shortage o’ clinicians across the vast expanse of this fine country.

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