The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs be warned! Skin tags be a sign of the dreaded Metabolic Syndrome in wee ones!


Arrr mateys, be ye aware that skin tags on the wee ones may be a sign of hidden treasure - metabolic diseases! Keep a weather eye out for these acrochordons, lest ye be caught unawares on the high seas of health! Aye, 'tis true, says Medscape Medical News!

Arr matey, listen up ye scallywags! It be said that these tiny skin tags, known as acrochordons, may be a sign of trouble lurking beneath the surface for our wee ones. Aye, ye may think they're harmless, but these devilish skin tags could be a signal of metabolic diseases in our young buccaneers!
Ye best keep a weather eye on these pesky skin tags, me hearties! They may be a warning sign of a hidden danger like diabetes or high cholesterol. So, if ye spot these little blighters on yer swashbucklers, it be time to take heed and seek out a wise healer to check for any underlying health issues.
Arr, it may seem like a harmless blemish on the surface, but these acrochordons could be the key to unlocking a treasure trove of health problems in our young scallywags. So, keep a sharp lookout and don't let these tiny skin tags slip under the radar!

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