The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! We be needin’ a fresh plan fer them landlubber pregnancy woes, lest we sail into stormy seas!


Arrr, matey! From 2012 to 2021, the scallywags of hypertension be a-raising their sails in Canada! The wise sea dogs be suggestin' shiny new tactics to keep the high-risk lassies safe on the high seas of childbirth! Avast, we need a jolly good plan, savvy?

Arrr, matey! We be needin’ a fresh plan fer them landlubber pregnancy woes, lest we sail into stormy seas!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the state of the sea o' expectin' mothers in the Great White North, where the scourge of high blood pressure be risin' faster than a ship in a storm! From the year of our Lord, 2012, to 2021, this troublesome ailment has been plunderin' the health o' fair damsels carryin' their wee treasures.

The wise seafarers, known as experts, be shoutin' from the crow's nest that the time be ripe for a new course! They be suggestin' that we hoist the sails o' innovation to navigate the treacherous waters of high-risk obstetric care. Aye, it seems the old ways be like barnacles on a ship’s hull—slowin' us down when we need speed to save our fair wenches and their little scallywags.

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