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Avast ye, me hearties! Be ponderin' a newfangled plan to deal with scurvy fevers in wee ones with sickle cell!


Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis a dire need for a new way to treat wee scallywags with sickle cell disease. Arrr, we be findin' that bringin' 'em to the emergency quarters with a fever be reducin' the chance of dangerous blood infections. <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be sharin' the tale!

Avast ye, me hearties! Be ponderin' a newfangled plan to deal with scurvy fevers in wee ones with sickle cell!

In a surprising twist of events, a recent study has revealed that children with sickle cell disease (SCD) who arrive at the emergency department with a fever have a lower risk of contracting bacteremia. This groundbreaking discovery has left medical professionals scratching their heads and reevaluating their approach to managing SCD in children.

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye, for this be quite a turn of events! It seems that our wee ones with SCD, who be seekin' medical attention with a fever, may actually be facin' less risk of catchin' the dread disease known as bacteremia. Shiver me timbers!

This news be rockin' the medical world, and rightly so. For years, doctors be followin' a certain approach to managin' SCD in children, but now it be lookin' like a bunch of scurvy dogs might've been steerin' us wrong. Arrr, ye can imagine the confusion sweepin' through the medical community, like a mighty storm ragin' across the high seas!

But fear not, me hearties, for this be a time of reexamination and reflection. We be settin' sail on a new course, as we question our long-standing beliefs and chart a new path for the care of our young ones with SCD. Arrr, this be a time for boldness and adventure!

So, me mateys, let us raise a tankard of grog and toast to this unexpected twist of fate. It be remindin' us that even in the vast ocean of medical knowledge, there be hidden treasures yet to be discovered. And who knows, me hearties, what other surprises await us as we sail the unpredictable waters of medicine!

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