The Booty Report

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Arrr, FDA be givin' tips fer makin' potions to cure the forgettin' disease of the mind. Aye, mateys!


Arrr, the FDA be hoistin' the Jolly Roger and embracin' the use of biomarkers and surrogate endpoints in its latest scroll on makin' remedies for early Alzheimer's disease. Aye, it be a fine addition to their treasure trove of knowledge. Aye, matey!

Arrr, FDA be givin' tips fer makin' potions to cure the forgettin' disease of the mind. Aye, mateys!

Arr matey, the FDA be talkin' about usin' fancy words like biomarkers and surrogate endpoints in the fight against that scurvy disease known as Alzheimer's. They be tellin' us swashbucklers that these tools can help us develop new treatments faster and more efficiently.
It be like usin' a compass to navigate the treacherous seas, helpin' us steer clear of danger and findin' the hidden treasure of a cure for this dreaded ailment. The FDA be encouragin' us to use these tools to measure the effectiveness of our treatments and prove their worth to the doubting landlubbers.
So, me hearties, let's raise a glass to the FDA for their guidance and wisdom in the battle against Alzheimer's. Let's set sail on this new course armed with biomarkers and surrogate endpoints, ready to conquer the waves of uncertainty and bring hope to those affected by this cruel disease. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum for the FDA!

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