The Booty Report

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Arrr! Avast, ye scallywags! Turns out, most landlubber doctors don't truly rest when they be takin' time off, says a study.


Arrr! Some 70% of landlubber physicians be toiling on their voyage days, and one-fifth be takin' less than a fortnight o' leave in a year. Keep an eye on <i>Medscape Medical News</i>, ye scurvy dogs!

In a recent revelation, about 70% of those who call themselves "physicians" have admitted to toiling away on their supposed vacation days. It appears that these landlubbers just can't bear to be away from their patients and their fancy doctoring tools, even when they're supposed to be swaying in a hammock with a bottle of rum in hand.
Arrr, mateys! It seems that these scallywags can't even manage to take a measly week of vacation in a whole year! One-fifth of these poor souls reported that they couldn't tear themselves away from their medical duties for more than a few days. Sailors on a ship spend more time on dry land than these poor doctors spend on rest and relaxation!
Now, ye may be wonderin' why these landlubbers be sufferin' such a fate. Some say it be the curse of the stethoscope, whispering sweet medical nothings in their ears even when they be restin' their weary heads. Others reckon it be the sheer dedication to their craft, as noble as a pirate's quest for the biggest loot.
But let me tell ye, mateys, this be no way to live! What good be all the booty if ye can't even have a proper holiday to spend it on? These doctors need to take a leaf out of our pirate code and learn to enjoy the finer things in life, like the feel of the salty sea breeze in their hair and the taste of a freshly grilled fish caught from the depths.
So, to all ye physicians out there, hear this salty old pirate's advice: set sail on the seas of vacation, let the waves of relaxation wash over ye, and remember that even pirates take a break from their plunderin' every now and then. Raise a glass of grog, kick up yer boots, and let the worries of medicine drift away like a ship lost at sea. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of sunscreen!

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