The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr, be squintin’ makin’ ye noggin fuzzy? What say the charts, matey?"


Arrr, matey! A fresh scroll from the Lancet be sayin’ nearly half o’ the forgettin’ troubles might be avoided if we tackle 14 pesky perils, like squintin’ at the horizon! But be there any proof in that pudding? Let’s set sail and find out, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a tale from the depths of the Lancet seas! A report be droppin' anchor, declarin' that nearly half o’ the scallywags sufferin' from dementia could be saved by addressin' a mere 14 risk factors, with vision loss bein' among 'em. Aye, ye heard me right; fix yer peepers, and yer noggin' might just stay shipshape!

But hold yer horses, ye swabs! We must be wonderin' if this treasure map be drawn from sound evidence or just a mirage in the distance. The good folk at Medscape Medical News be keen to explore this matter further. They be askin' whether this claim be as solid as a well-built ship or as flimsy as a pirate’s promise to share his booty!

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