The Booty Report

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Yarrr matey, me scurvy-ridden hand be needin' some proper treatment for this chronic eczema. Arrr!


Arrr, mateys! 'Tis been o'er a year since the scallywags in the phase 3 studies found that delgocitinib cream be a trusty cure for the cursed chronic hand eczema. The latest reports say the control be holdin' steady, with no new troubles on the horizon. Aye, the treasure be safe!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! It be good news fer all ye sufferers of chronic hand eczema. Aye, after a year of studyin' and testin', it be found that delgocitinib cream be safe and effective in treatin' this pesky condition. The phase 3 studies showed promise, and now the extension data be showin' that the control be persistin' without any new safety issues.

So, me mateys, it be time to rejoice! Ye can keep usin' the delgocitinib cream without worryin' about any harm. No need to fear any new side effects or dangers. The seas be calm and smooth sailin' ahead for all ye with chronic hand eczema. Let this news bring a smile to yer face and a skip to yer step! Raise a glass of grog and celebrate this victory over the dreaded eczema!

So, me hearties, spread the word far and wide! Delgocitinib cream be the answer to yer prayers. Let the world know that relief be at hand for those sufferin' from chronic hand eczema. Aye, this be a great day indeed for all us landlubbers who be battlin' this condition. Huzzah!

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