The Booty Report

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Arrr! Be doubting if these mystical spectacles truly ward off the devilish blue light! Study queries it!


Avast, ye landlubbers! Claims be made by them scurvy knaves that these blue light spectacles be helpin' to lessen the strain on yer peepers whilst ye lay yer eyes upon them devilish screens and phones. Methinks 'tis nothing more than a load of bilge!

Arrr matey! It be a sad tale, but those fancy blue light glasses be naught but a bunch of scallywag claims! According to the good ol' WebMD Health News, these eyepatches of sorts don't be reducin' eyestrain for us lads and lasses who spend our days glued to computer screens and phones.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what be this "blue light" they be talkin' about. Well, me hearties, blue light be the type o' light that be comin' from them screens we be gazin' at day in and day out. Some scurvy dogs claim that this blue light be causin' us eye strain, but it seems those claims be nothin' more than a tale spun by a sneaky bilge rat!

According to the wise folk at WebMD, there be no solid evidence to prove that these glasses be helpin' us with our weary eyes. Sure, they may make ye look like a fancy pirate with their yellow-tinted lenses, but that be about it, me mateys!

So, me hearties, if ye be thinkin' 'bout investin' in these blue light glasses, ye might want to reconsider! Save yer doubloons for some other treasure, like a good ol' pair of regular glasses or takin' a break from them screens every now and then. It be a harsh truth, but it be better to know the truth than to be a fool sailin' in the wrong direction!

Remember, me hearties, keep a sense o' humor about ye, even when facin' disappointments like these blue light glasses. Life be too short to be takin' everything too seriously, especially when it comes to fancy eyewear! Yo ho ho!

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