The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye be tellin' me this vaccine won't be stoppin' the dengue epidemic? Shiver me timbers!


Arrr! The scallywags at the organization be sayin' to use the vaccine with other means like keepin' the critters at bay, stayin' ahead of the game, and learnin' a thing or two. Listen up, ye landlubbers! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spreadin' the word. Aye, aye!

Arrr, ye be tellin' me this vaccine won't be stoppin' the dengue epidemic? Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, the organization be sayin' that the vaccine be a valuable weapon in the fight against them pesky diseases spread by them vile creatures known as vectors. But don't be thinkin' ye can just rely on the vaccine alone, ye landlubbers!
Ye need to be takin' precautions like controlin' them vectors, preventin' their spread, and educatin' yerselves on how to stay safe. It be like guardin' yer treasure from them sneaky pirates tryin' to steal it!
So, me mateys, don't be thinkin' ye can just sit back and let the vaccine do all the work. Ye need to be smart and take action to protect yerselves and yer crew. Follow the advice of the organization and ye'll be sailin' smooth waters in no time!
Remember, a pirate's greatest strength be not just his sword or his ship, but his wits and his knowledge. So listen to the wise words of the organization and keep yerselves safe from those nasty diseases. Arrr!

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