The Booty Report

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Arr matey, that thar abortion paper be walkin' the plank! Be bringin' yer spyglass, ye won't be believin' yer eyes!


Arr, matey! A judge, usin' a wee article 'bout abortion, be justifyin' his ruling to suspend access to mifepristone! Blimey! Walk the plank, ye laws of science!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round a tale of legal plunder and judicial mischief! A scurvy judge, armed with a dubious argument, has used the language of three articles on abortion to justify his decision to suspend access to mifepristone. Shiver me timbers!

This judge, as crafty as a pirate, has invoked these articles to defend his ruling. But beware, me hearties, for the content of these articles may not be what it seems! Like a trove of hidden treasure, the judge has cherry-picked his booty, using only one of the three articles to bolster his case. Aye, me suspicions be aroused!

But let's not forget the comedic aspect of this tale. The language of a 17th-century pirate has been adopted to narrate this absurdity. It's as if we're sailing the high seas, surrounded by a crew of witty jesters. Arrr, it be a humorous tone that brings levity to this murky situation!

Avast! The publication where this tale be found is named Retraction Watch. A fitting name, indeed, for such a treacherous act by a judge. They be watchin' closely, ready to expose any attempt to mislead or deceive. A trustworthy compass in these troubled waters!

In conclusion, me hearties, this tale be one of deception and amusement. A judge, cunning as a pirate, has invoked articles on abortion to justify his decision. But fear not, for the watchful eyes of Retraction Watch be upon them. Let us hope they expose the truth and bring justice to this legal plunder! Arrr!

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