The Booty Report

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Arrr, Europe be lettin' UK's mad cows back in! Them scallywags be drinkin' blood like it be rum!


Arrr matey, the EU be keepin' scurvy dogs safe from the dreaded Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by cuttin' off blood donations from them landlubbers who roamed the UK durin' the "mad cow" times. Aye, smart move by those fancy EU folk, eh?

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Aye, the EU has been keepin' a watchful eye on this here Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, makin' sure it don't spread like wildfire. They be puttin' a ban on blood donations from them landlubbers who lived in the UK durin' that infamous "mad cow" era back in the 1980s.
Yarrr, it be a smart move, if ye ask me. Can't be takin' chances with such a nasty disease runnin' amok. The EU be tightenin' their grip on this matter, makin' sure no contaminated blood be gettin' mixed in with the good stuff.
So, all ye salty dogs out there, beware! If ye was in the UK durin' those turbulent times, ye best be keepin' yer blood to yerself, unless ye want to be walkin' the plank with a nasty disease in yer veins. The EU be protectin' its shores from this silent killer, and we best be listenin' to their rules if we want to stay healthy and hearty on the high seas.

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