The Booty Report

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"Arrr! The CHIP and mCA be stirrin' up a ruckus, makin' solid tumors like treasure in Davy Jones' locker!"


Avast, me hearties! A band o' clever scallywags be plunderin' the treasure maps of 10,866 lasses from the WHI, seekin' to uncover the mysteries o' CHIP, mCA, and those pesky solid tumors. Aye, 'tis a jolly good quest for knowledge! Arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the realm of science, where brave researchers be plundering the treasure trove of whole genome sequencing! Aye, they be castin' their nets upon a mighty crew of 10,866 lasses from the Women's Health Initiative, seekin' the hidden connections between CHIP, mCA, and the dreaded solid tumors! Yarrr!

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