The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys, this cyber scallywag be causin' trouble fer the oncology crew. Unsustainable, says I! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! Change Healthcare be workin' hard to fix their systems and keep the scallywags from disruptin' the oncology practices. A cyberattack hit 'em over 2 weeks ago, but they be fightin' back like true pirates of the digital seas! Aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale.

Arr mateys! Listen up me hearties, for I bring ye news about Change Healthcare and their battle against scurvy cyber scallywags! Aye, just over 2 weeks ago, these landlubbers were attacked by a band of digital pirates, causing quite the ruckus in their oncology practices.
But fear not, for Change Healthcare be workin' day and night to fix their systems and get back to sailin' smooth seas. They be focused on restorin' their treasure troves and minimizin' disruptions for all ye cancer-fightin' mates out there.
So, me fellow buccaneers, let's raise a tankard of grog to Change Healthcare as they navigate these treacherous waters. May they soon be victorious in their quest to thwart these cyber scallywags and keep their ship afloat!
Arrr! This be the tale of Change Healthcare's battle against the cyber villains, as told by this humble messenger. Stay tuned for more updates as this saga unfolds. And remember, always keep a weather eye out for them cyber pirates, lest they sneak up on ye unawares!

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