The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! Be thee aware that movin' yer booty can lessen the grim reaper's grip on type 2 diabetes! Aye!


Arr matey! Them scallywags with T2D who be movin' less than 6 hours a day be havin' a higher chance o' survivin', and them landlubbers who be addin' some exercise to their lazy ways be livin' longer. Aye, 'tis true, says the Medscape Medical News.

Arrr matey, listen up ye scallywags! 'Tis been discovered by the land lubbers at Medscape Medical News that them patients with the cursed T2D who be sittin' on their keisters for less than 6 hours a day be havin' a lower risk of meetin' Davy Jones' locker. Aye, 'tis true!
But hold fast, me hearties! 'Tis not just about sittin' less, but also about gettin' up and movin' yer bones. A bit o' moderate physical activity can be the key to extendin' yer time on this here mortal coil, especially for ye scurvy dogs who be spendin' a lot o' time sittin' around doin' nothin'. So hoist the mainsail and get to movin', lest ye want to be feedin' the fishes sooner than ye planned!
So remember, me buckos, if ye be wantin' to stick around longer and avoid the grim reaper, it be best to be on the move and not spendin' too much time on yer duff. The sea of life be treacherous, but with a bit o' exercise and less sittin', ye can stay afloat for a good while longer. Arrr!

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