The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the US Court be ponderin' whether t' force Obamacare t' cover scurvy treatments 'n' pirate screenin's. Aye!


Arrr me hearties, President Joe Biden be sendin' his crew to the courtyards to protect the treasure chest of health care for all! Let's see if the scallywags in the appeals court be standin' in his way or be joinin' his crew! Aye, me hearties!

Ahoy mateys! President Joe Biden's crew be fightin' to keep a rule that makes health insurers cover preventive care. Arrr, they be headin' to a U.S. appeals court on Monday to defend this mandate. Aye, 'tis a rule that be helpin' to keep our scurvy-ridden bodies in good health, so it be important to keep it in place.
Me hearties, this be no small matter. Preventive care be like battlin' the Kraken before it be strikin'. 'Tis better to be preventin' illness than tryin' to cure it after it be takin' hold of ye. So let us raise our tankards to President Biden and his crew for fightin' to keep this rule in place.
Arrr, me mateys, we all be wantin' to stay healthy and strong, so let's support the efforts to preserve this mandate. And remember, a healthy pirate be a happy pirate! So let's all do our part to keep ourselves shipshape and Bristol fashion. Yo ho ho!

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