The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Teprotumumab be a mighty potion that quells the cursed Thyroid Eye Disease for good! Aye!


Arrr, after near 2 years since their last dose of teprotumumab, 82% of the scallywags didn't require more medicine. Aye, 'tis good news for the crew! The Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale. Yo ho ho, we be sailin' smooth waters now!

Arrr me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags and landlubbers! It be a fine day on the high seas for us pirates, as news has reached us from the Medscape Medical News that after nearly 2 years from their final teprotumumab transfusion, 82% of patients be sailin' smoothly without needin' further treatment!
Arrr, it be a joyous occasion indeed! Them patients be feelin' as fit as a fiddle and as strong as a Kraken! No need for more potions and lotions to cure what ails them. It be like findin' a treasure chest full of gold doubloons!
So let this be a lesson to ye all, me hearties. Sometimes, all it takes be a good ol' transfusion of teprotumumab to get yer health back on course. No need to walk the plank into the realm of never-endin' treatments and remedies. Just a bit of that magic potion and ye be good as new!
So here's to the brave souls who sailed through their treatments like true pirates of the sea! May their health continue to prosper like a ship ridin' the waves, and may we all learn from their tale of triumph over adversity!

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