The Booty Report

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Ye olde change o' dwellin' post heart seizure be a surefire way to walk the plank o' death.


Shiver me timbers! Sailin' to a different abode after a heart seize be bringin' ye closer to Davy Jones' locker or a landlubber's place for the long haul. Arr, that be the news from the good mateys at Medscape Medical!

In the parlance of our 17th-century pirate brethren, me hearties, it seems that relocatin' to a new abode after ye suffer a heart attack be no jolly task! Nay, it be fraught with peril, for it be associated with a greater risk of death or bein' sent off to a long-term care facility as a way to shuffle off this mortal coil. Avast, ye scurvy dogs! This grave news be brought to ye by Medscape Medical News, the keeper of all things medical.

Aye, me hearties, these landlubbers conducted a study, they did, and found that movin' house after a heart attack be a risky business indeed. They be sayin' that those who dare to venture forth to a new dwelling after a cardiac episode may find themselves facin' a grim fate. Death lurks around every corner, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Or worse yet, they may be forced to surrender to the unforgiving clutches of a long-term care facility, a place where fun be in short supply and the grog be watered down.

Arr, me mateys, tis no laughing matter! This study be a stern reminder of the challenges faced by those who suffer from a weak heart. It be advisin' these unfortunate souls to think twice before settin' sail for pastures new. Take heed, me hearties! Think long and hard before ye decide to up anchor and move. Seek the counsel of yer trusted physician afore ye make such a risky venture.

So, me hearties, there ye have it straight from the horse's mouth. Movin' after a heart attack be no easy feat. It be a treacherous path, fraught with danger and uncertainty. If ye find yerself in such a predicament, take ye time, weigh ye options, and consult with the wise medical minds who be sailin' the seas of knowledge. Fair winds and a strong heart to ye all!

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