The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Ye wee babes be gettin' a taste o' the pirate life early on with a dose o' MS drugs from yer momma's milk! Arrrgh!


Arrr mateys, fear not! The wee ones exposed to the magic elixir of monoclonal antibodies through the mother's bosom suffer no ill effects on their health or growth for at least 3 tides, as per a new study. Drink up, me hearties, and let yar young scallywags thrive!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I be bringin' ye news from the realm of medicine! A new study has found that wee ones exposed to monoclonal antibodies through their mother's breast milk, used to treat the dreaded MS, do not suffer any ill effects on their health or development for up to 3 years. Aye, that be good news indeed!
So fear not, ye worried parents, for it seems that the little ones be safe from harm even with the use of such powerful medicines. The study, reported in the Medscape Medical News, be bringin' hope and reassurance to all who be concerned about the effects of these treatments on their young'uns.
So let this be a lesson to ye all, that modern medicine hath its wonders and can do no harm to the wee babes when administered rightly. Raise a toast to science and to the health of our young scallywags! Fair winds and following seas to ye all!

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