The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the new decree be givin' swashbucklin' lasses with child some rest and booty while off the ship!


Arrr matey, these new rules be helpin' the good doctors find a better balance betwixt work and family. Aye, tis a fine notion indeed to keep the ship sailing smoothly for all ye landlubbers in the medical world!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! The federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act be gettin' a new set o' guidelines that could be helpin' our trusty physicians findin' a better balance between their fierce careers and their precious families. 'Tis a grand development indeed!
With these new guidelines, our hearty physicians can be keepin' a weather eye on their patients while also tendin' to their own needs and the needs of their wee ones. Aye, 'tis no easy task for these brave souls, but now they may find some relief in these updated rules.
So next time ye be seein' yer friendly neighborhood physician, be sure to give 'em a tip o' yer hat and a hearty "Well done, matey!" for all the hard work they be doin'. And remember, even pirates need a bit o' medical care now and then, so let's be showin' our support for these fine seafarin' healers!

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