The Booty Report

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Ye best be watchin' out fer them cursed kisses, mateys, fer ye might be catchin' the dreaded Chagas disease! Arrr!


Arrr, mateys! Ye best be knowin' that spreadin' Chagas disease through yonder talkin' be more deadly than a scurvy pirate's curse! Watch out for them pesky vectors, or ye be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, 'tis a tale of woe indeed.

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags, there be news from the lands of Medscape Medical! It be talkin' about Chagas disease, a deadly affliction spread not by vectors like pesky mosquitoes, but by the sea dogs themselves through oral transmission. Aye, the danger be high, especially for the young'uns and the old salts.

Ye see, this disease be a tricky one, lurkin' in the shadows and strikin' with great force. It be takin' its toll on the wee little ones and the seasoned sailors alike. It be no joke, mateys, this Chagas disease be a serious matter that needs to be taken seriously.

So batten down the hatches and keep a sharp eye out for any signs of this treacherous disease. And remember, prevention be the best cure, so keep yer quarters clean and watch out for any unwanted visitors that may bring this plague upon ye. Stay safe out there on the high seas, me hearties!

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