The Booty Report

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Ye be warned, mateys! False poisons be afoot! Ready yer swords and pistols for swift justice! Arrrr!


Arrr mateys! The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association be warnin' ye scallywags 'bout the dangers of gettin' yer medical procedures done in places without proper licensin'. Keep a weather eye out, lest ye end up walkin' the plank!

Avast ye landlubbers! The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association be warnin' all ye scallywags about the dangers of medical procedures in unlicensed settings. Arrr, they be sayin' that ye should be wary of them shady establishments that be cuttin' and slicin' without the proper credentials. Ye don't want to end up with a peg leg when ye only wanted a simple procedure, now do ye?

So listen up, me hearties, and heed the words of them doctors and surgeons. Don't be takin' chances with yer precious hides. Make sure ye see a proper professional before ye let anyone start playin' with yer skin. And if ye see any shady characters tryin' to offer ye a bargain on a procedure, ye best be runnin' in the other direction faster than a ship in a storm.

Remember, me mateys, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to yer health and well-being. So next time ye be thinkin' about gettin' some work done, make sure ye do yer research and find a reputable establishment with proper credentials. Arrr!

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