The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, be checkin' yer lasses' treasures by 40 or ye be walkin' the plank, says the USPSTF!


Arr matey, the USPSTF be settin' sail for a stronger recommendation to spy on those scurvy dogs startin' mammograms earlier. They be sayin' we need more treasure maps to find the booty of breast cancer for Black and older wenches and those with dense chests. Aye aye, captain!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The USPSTF be changin' their tune on mammograms, suggestin' that we start 'em earlier to catch the scurvy of breast cancer sooner. They be sayin' that more research be needed fer Black and older lasses, as well as them with dense breasts. Aye, it be a serious matter, but let's not walk the plank just yet!
Ye see, the USPSTF be like a captain leadin' us through uncharted waters, tryin' to keep us safe from the dangers of the deep. They be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon, lookin' out fer any signs of trouble that may lie ahead.
So me hearties, take heed of this new recommendation and be sure to keep a keen eye on yer health. Get those mammograms early, especially if ye be a Black or older lass, or if ye have dense breasts. It be better to be safe than sorry, me buckos!

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