The Booty Report

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Arrrr, be ye tellin' me scurvy dogs that sugar rot yer teeth and give ye the sugar sickness?


Arrr mateys! Ye scurvy dogs with Type 2 Diabetes be warned! Poor teeth be leadin' to troubles in yer vital organs like heart, brain, and kidneys. Best be brushin' yer teeth, or else ye be walkin' the plank to Davy Jones' locker! Aargh!

Arrr matey! Listen up ye scallywags with Type 2 Diabetes! Poor oral health be no laughing matter, ye hear? It be causin' major organ system problems like the heart, the brain, and the kidneys to go all haywire. Aye, ye read that right! A study from Medscape Medical News be showin' that them landlubbers with T2D and bad teeth be havin' an increased risk for all sorts of nasty disorders.
So beware, me hearties! Ye best be takin' care of yer oral health, or ye might find yerself walkin' the plank sooner than ye think. Brush them teeth, swish that mouthwash, and visit the dentist regular-like. It be worth it to keep them organs in shipshape condition.
Remember, a toothache be no joke when it be leadin' to heart troubles or messin' with yer brain. So take heed of this warnin', me fellow pirates with T2D! Keep them pearly whites clean and shiny, or ye be dealin' with more than just a bit of scurvy. Savvy?

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