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Arr, me hearties! Ye scurvy FDA be warnin' Amazon against peddlin' unapproved eye drops. Avast ye, mateys!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs at the US Food and Drug Administration be sendin' a warning letter to the likes of! Seems they be sellin' seven unapproved eye drops on their fancy e-commerce platform. Keep yer peepers peeled, me hearties! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

In a bold move, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has fired a warning shot across the bow of the mighty, accusing the popular e-commerce platform of peddling seven unapproved eye drops. Arrr, mateys, it seems these drops be as elusive as the treasure of Blackbeard himself!

The FDA, acting like a fearsome sea monster guarding the waters of consumer safety, sent a letter to, scolding them for daring to sell these unapproved drops. The agency, as sharp-eyed as a pirate spotting a ship on the horizon, noticed the potential danger to unsuspecting customers.

Now, me hearties, ye might be wonderin' what be so wrong with these eye drops. Well, it turns out they haven't been properly vetted by the FDA, meaning they could be as useless as a wooden leg in a race. The FDA be warning that these drops could be ineffective or even cause harm to yer precious peepers!

But fear not, ye landlubbers! The FDA be lookin' out for ye, like a loyal first mate protectin' the captain. They be takin' this matter seriously and expect to walk the plank of compliance and remove these unapproved drops from their platform.

So, me hearties, next time ye be searchin' for eye drops on, beware of the unapproved variety. Ye wouldn't want to be riskin' yer vision for a mere bag of doubloons. Leave the treasure huntin' to the experts and stick with the FDA-approved loot. Arrr!

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