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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be it known that a mighty potion be found to keep scallywag prostate cancer at bay!


By adding a mighty dose of radiation, we be makin' the scallywag prostate cancer walk the plank! Aye, it be leadin' to better survival and keepin' the ship in good condition. Arrr!

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, it turns out that blasting those scurvy prostate cancer cells with a higher dose of radiation, all the while combining it with long-term ADT, be the surefire way to make those landlubber cancer cells walk the plank for good. Aye, it be true, me hearties!

According to the fine folks at MDedge News, adding a higher dose of radiation to the treatment plan be showing promising results for them high-risk prostate cancer patients. This means they be seeing a better progression-free, cancer-specific, and overall survival rate compared to those poor souls stuck with the standard-dose radiation.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what this ADT be. Well, me mateys, it stands fer androgen deprivation therapy. It be a fancy way of sayin' that they be restrictin' the production of those pesky hormones that be feedin' the cancer cells. By combin' this therapy with the higher dose radiation, the doctors be givin' the cancer a one-two punch, like a cannonball to the hull of a ship.

So, what does this mean for those brave souls fightin' prostate cancer? It means that there be hope, me hearties! With this new treatment approach, they be seein' a better chance at keepin' that cancer at bay. The progression-free survival rate be lookin' good, meanin' the cancer be holdin' off from spreadin' like a swarm of scallywags.

And not only that, but the cancer-specific and overall survival rates be showin' improvement too! This be like findin' a buried treasure chest filled with gold doubloons - it be a cause for celebration, indeed!

So, me mateys, if ye be facin' that treacherous prostate cancer, it be worth considerin' this higher dose radiation combined with ADT. It could just be the key to sendin' those cancer cells to Davy Jones' locker, once and for all. Arrr!

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