The Booty Report

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Arrr, the bird sickness be weak! We be ready with our potions to keep it at bay, me hearties!


Arrr mateys, a land lubber in the States be catchin' the avian flu from a cow, but fear not, no scurvy dog has spread it to another human yet. Keep yer distance from them birds and keep yerselves safe from this foul disease!

In the land of the United States, there be one unfortunate soul who has been struck down by the foul avian flu after mingling with a cow of all creatures! Aye, but fear not me hearties, for there be no reports of the sickness bein' spread amongst the human folk. The seas be safe from this dreaded scourge for now.

Arrr, the news be spreadin' like wildfire, with the Medscape Medical News sharin' the tale of this lone individual who hath caught the avian flu from a cow. But let us not be too alarmed, for there be no sign of the disease jumpin' from person to person like a cursed ghost ship in the night.

So me fellow buccaneers, let us keep an eye on the horizon for any signs of trouble, but let us not be lettin' the fear of the avian flu consume us like a fierce storm at sea. For now, the waters be calm and the winds be fair. Let us raise a tankard of grog to the poor soul who hath caught the foul sickness, and pray that no more of us befall the same fate. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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