The Booty Report

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Be the MRI screenings for prostate cancer too many, matey? Arrr, aye, 'tis a question worth ponderin'!


Arr mateys, word on the high seas be that them fancy MRI scans be as reliable as a one-legged pirate on a wobbly ship! We may need to reconsider our ways of detecting the dreaded prostate cancer, lest we be caught unawares like a scurvy dog in a storm! Arrr!

Arrr matey! 'Tis some new scallywag research suggestin' that maybe we need to be takin' another look at how we be scannin' for prostate cancer. Seems those fancy MRI scans be missin' the signs of the dreaded disease, even in them scallywags with high levels of PSA in their blood. Aye, 'tis a conundrum indeed!
So the question be, should we be adjustin' our guidelines for screenin' and detectin' prostate cancer? Or should we just be battlin' on with the same ol' methods, hopin' for the best? 'Tis a debate fit for the high seas, me hearties!
But fear not, me crew! We be learnin' more every day about the ways to fight this fearsome foe. So keep a weather eye on the horizon, and be sure to have a chat with your trusty doc about what be the best course for ye in the battle against prostate cancer! Arrr!

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