The Booty Report

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"Arrrrr, ye may wanna consider a spot of bariatric surgery me hearties, 'tis better than them GLP-1 RAs for risk o' death!"


Arrr, it be said that the surgical wizardry of bariatric metabolic surgery be bringin' a 62% greater chance o' survival than the fancy GLP-1 receptor agonists for those with the affliction of obesity and diabetes for less than a decade. Aye, the magic be strong in this one!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! A study be showin' that bariatric metabolic surgery be leadin' to a 62% greater reduction in mortality than them fancy-sounding GLP-1 receptor agonists in patients with obesity and diabetes for less than 10 years. Aye, ye heard that right!
So, what does this mean for ye landlubbers with a belly as big as a barrel? It means that if ye be strugglin' with obesity and diabetes, ye might want to consider goin' under the knife to save yer hide. Aye, it be a drastic measure, but it be provin' to be mighty effective in keepin' ye alive and kickin'.
So, me hearties, don't be afraid to consider bariatric metabolic surgery if ye be needin' it. It be worth it to stay alive and well, even if it means swallowin' yer pride along with the surgeon's scalpel. Arrr!

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