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Arrr! The FDA be takin' their sweet time decidin' on this Alzheimer's cure. Aye, we be waitin' with bated breath!


Arrr mateys! The FDA be gatherin' a crew of wise scallywags to chat about the powers and perils of donanemab for the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. Let's hope they find treasure in this mysterious elixir! Source: Medscape Medical News. Aye, the sea of medicine be a treacherous one indeed! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The FDA be makin' waves in the medical world by callin' together a group of wise landlubbers to chat about this newfangled medicine called donanemab for the dreaded scourge of Alzheimer's disease. It be a bold move, like a ship sailin' into uncharted waters!
These experts be gatherin' to weigh the risks and benefits of this mysterious potion, tryin' to decide if it be worth its weight in gold or just a load of bilge. Will it be a treasure trove of hope for those sufferin' from memory loss, or will it be a case of all hands on deck for a disaster?
Only time will tell, me hearties. But for now, let's raise a toast to the FDA for takin' the plunge and navigatin' these treacherous waters. Who knows what booty may await us at the end of this wild adventure!

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