The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags be usin' video games to tempt the young'uns with their grub. Beware the siren's call!


Arrr mateys, be wary of them branded products on the gaming screens, for they may tempt ye to fill yer belly with too much grub and grow as big as a whale! Beware the dangers of excess eating and weight gain, me hearties! Aye, 'tis true, as told by Medscape Medical News! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! It be said that watchin' them branded products on them live-streamin' video game platforms can lead to ye eatin' like a hungry sea monster and gainin' weight faster than a ship sinks! Aye, it's true, as reported by them landlubbers at Medscape Medical News.
So, me hearties, be wary of them temptin' treats and goodies ye see on them screens, for they be like sirens luring ye into a treacherous sea of excess eatin' and weight gain. Keep a sharp eye out, me mateys, and don't let them sneaky advertisements trick ye into indulgin' in more grub than yer belly can handle!
Remember, a true pirate be strong and lean, ready to take on any challenge that comes their way. So, next time ye be watchin' them live-streamin' video games, be sure to keep a tight hold on yer rum and steer clear of them branded products that be temptin' ye with their siren songs of excess eatin' and weight gain. Fair winds and a full belly to ye all, me hearties!

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