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Arrr! If ye be lackin’ yer Vitamin D, yer belly woes might be like a ship in a storm!


Arrr! More than half o' the scallywags sufferin' from the belly blues be low on that golden vitamin D! Aye, it be causin' more nausea and heave-ho than a ship in a stormy sea! Blame it on the cursed gastric gremlins! Avast, mates!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a curious ailment known as gastroparesis, where the belly be as slow as a ship in a tempest! It seems that over half of the scallywags sufferin' from this wretched malady be found to have low levels o’ that golden elixir known as vitamin D. Aye, without this fine treasure, the crew be feelin’ a right bit queasy, sufferin’ from nausea and vomitin’ like they just swallowed a barrel o’ seawater!

Now, ye may ponder what this vitamin D be doin’ on the high seas o’ the human body. Well, it works like a trusty first mate, assistin' with gastric neuromuscular function, keepin' the ship's belly runnin’ smooth. But alas, when the levels be droppin’, it be causin’ all sorts o’ chaos down below decks! So, if ye find yerself feelin’ like ye’ve been caught in a storm, it might be time to hoist the sails and set course for a treasure trove of vitamin D. Seek the sun, me hearty, for it be the best remedy fer a belly that misbehaves! Arrr, take heed, lest ye be stuck with a grumpy gut and a face as green as a mermaid’s tail!

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