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Arr matey, ye better believe it! Ancient Chinese concoctions be makin' ye heart pump like a true pirate's treasure!


Arrr! In the QUEST trial, a mighty potion called qiliqiangxin be showin' great promise for reducin' CV death and keepin' sailors out o' the dreaded hospital. 'Tis a fine addition to the guideline-directed therapy for HFrEF, mateys! Medscape Medical News be bringin' this message from the seven seas!

In a randomized trial called QUEST, researchers tested the effectiveness of a traditional Chinese medicine called qiliqiangxin in treating heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). The results were quite impressive, mateys! This ancient remedy provided significant reductions in cardiovascular (CV) death and hospitalization when combined with guideline-directed therapy.

Arrr, the researchers wanted to see if this herbal concoction could do more than just give ye a bit of a pick-me-up. They tested it on a group of heart failure patients, comparing those who received qiliqiangxin alongside their regular treatment to those who only got the regular treatment. And guess what? The group that had the pirate potion had a much lower risk of CV death and hospitalization! Shiver me timbers!

Now, I know what ye be thinkin', me hearties. How does this magical medicine actually work? Well, qiliqiangxin be a blend of various herbs, each with its own special powers. Some of 'em be known to strengthen the heart, while others be good for blood circulation. It's like a treasure chest full o' healing properties!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, lads and lasses. This be just a single trial, and more research be needed to confirm these findings. Still, it's a mighty interesting discovery, and it shows that there might be more to medicine than what we scallywags have been using all these years. Who knows, maybe the answer to our health problems be hidden in a bottle of rum!

So, next time ye find yerself with a case of the ol' HFrEF, don't be afraid to give qiliqiangxin a try. Just make sure ye consult a proper healthcare professional first, unless ye be wantin' to end up in Davy Jones' locker. Until then, keep swabbin' the deck and stay healthy, me hearties!

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