The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Two doses o' medicine be not always better fer one pesky infection. Aye, beware!


Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis said we be repeatin' prescriptions for ailments of the chest that be spreadin' like scurvy on a ship. Arrr, unnecessary they be, but we keep feedin' 'em to the crew. Medscape News UK be tellin' tales of this folly. Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! It be a tale as old as the seas themselves - repeatin' antibiotic prescriptions for them pesky respiratory tract infections that be spreadin' like wildfire. Aye, 'tis a problem that be as common as rum in a pirate's belly, but just as unnecessary!
The scallywags over at Medscape News UK be warnin' us landlubbers about the dangers of this practice. Ye see, takin' antibiotics when ye don't truly need 'em be like tryin' to patch up a leaky ship with a bandana - it just won't hold water!
So me fellow pirates, let this be a lesson to ye - don't be takin' antibiotics for every sniffle and cough. Save 'em for when ye truly need 'em, or ye may find yerself in Davy Jones' locker sooner than ye think!
Arrr, the seas be treacherous enough without addin' unnecessary antibiotics to the mix. So heed this warning from Medscape News UK and keep yerselves healthy and hearty, me hearties!

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