The Booty Report

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Aye, mateys! 'Tis high time we set our gaze upon the treacherous waters of COVID once more!


Arr, me hearties! A fearsome COVID variant be sailin' the seven seas since April. As per the latest reckonin' from the CDC, the scurvy EG.5 — hailing from the treacherous Omicron family — now be claimin' 17% of all cases in the US, up from a mere 7.5% in the first week o' July. Yo ho ho! <i>WebMD Health News</i>

Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! 'Tis a dark tale I be tellin' ye, for since the month o' April, a fearsome COVID variant be emergin' on the horizon. 'Tis known as EG.5, a scurvy dog from the treacherous Omicron family. According to the latest reckonin' from the CDC, this miscreant now be accountin' for a disheartenin' 17% o' all cases in the land o' the free, up from a paltry 7.5% in the first week o' July. Aye, the winds be changin', and they be not in our favor.

Now, ye might be wonderin', what makes this EG.5 variant so fearsome? Well, buckle yer swashbucklin' boots and listen well, me hearties. This villainous strain be more contagious than a parrot with a loose tongue, spreadin' through the air like whispers on the high seas. 'Tis said to be crafty enough to dodge the defenses built by our mighty vaccines, causin' even the mightiest o' buccaneers to shake in their boots.

But fear not, me brave souls! We be not without hope. The CDC be advisin' all landlubbers and seadogs alike to stay vigilant and protect themselves with the weapons of old — masks, social distancin', and regular hand-washin'. Aye, 'tis a simple code to live by, but one that has saved many a soul from Davy Jones' locker.

So, me hearties, let us band together in this fight against the scurvy dog that be EG.5! We be sailin' through rough waters once again, but with a hearty dose o' caution and a sprinkle o' humor, we can weather the storm. Remember, when ye be faced with danger, keep a smile on yer face, for even in the darkest times, laughter be our greatest treasure.

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