The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs of medicine be usin' foul words fer them with the affliction of OUD! A pox upon 'em! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, tis be said that many a lass and landlubber be usin' hurtful words to describe them scallywags with an opium habit. Aye, 'tis a disgraceful way to be treatin' a soul in need of help, says the Medscape Medical News. A pox upon their ship!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! It seems that a fair number of lady clinicians and social workers be usin' some rather untoward language when talkin' about patients with an addiction to the ol' opium. Aye, 'tis true! According to the Medscape Medical News, these fine lasses be throwin' around stigmatizin' words like they be lootin' a Spanish galleon.
Now I must say, 'tis not a jolly good time when ye be judgin' a patient based on their affliction, especially when 'tis a serious matter like addiction. We be needin' to treat them with respect and dignity, not be makin' them walk the plank with hurtful words.
So me hearties, let us be mindful of our tongues and speak with kindness and compassion towards those in need. Let us not be adding to their burden with our careless talk. Remember, we be all in this together, sailin' through the turbulent seas of life. So let us be liftin' each other up, not tearin' each other down.

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