The Booty Report

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Arrr, tiny dust be makin' a ruckus in yer lungs, makin' yer cancers go all mutinous! Aye, shiver me timbers!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags who be dwellin' in the mucky airs may find themselves with a 50% higher chance of sportin' an oncogenic EGFR mutation in their lungs. Take heed, ye landlubbers, and keep a weather eye on yer surroundings! Aye, from Medscape Medical News.

Arr matey, listen to this news that be more frightenin' than a storm at sea! According to the learned folk at Medscape Medical News, it be said that them poor souls with lung cancer who dwell in filthy, polluted lands be havin' a 50% higher chance of carryin' a dangerous EGFR mutation in their bodies. Aye, 'tis a treacherous journey they be facin', indeed!
Imagine, me hearties, the very air they breathe be poisonin' 'em, makin' their already dire situation even worse. 'Tis like bein' in a battle with no end in sight, with the odds stacked against ye from the start. But fear not, for the clever doctors and scientists be workin' on ways to combat this villainous mutation, bringin' hope to those in need.
So me fellow pirates, let this be a reminder to cherish the clean, fresh air we breathe every day, for it be a precious gift indeed. And to all those poor souls fightin' the good fight against lung cancer, may ye find strength and courage in the face of this new threat. Yo ho ho, me hearties!

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