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Be the FDA halting more scurvy trials? 'Tis a mystery as murky as the ocean depths! Arrr!


Arrr, mateys! The scallywags in the clinical trials be holdin' back our precious therapies from reachin' the market. But fear not, for the public be clueless about these delays! Let's set sail and uncover the mysteries behind these holds, me hearties! Aye, Medscape Medical News be our trusty guide on this treacherous journey.

Arrrr mateys, listen up! It seems that these landlubbers be talkin' 'bout how these clinical trials be holdin' up the therapies from reachin' the markets, especially in the world of oncology. But shiver me timbers, there be a lot o' secrets that the public don't know about why these holds be happenin' so often!
According to the Medscape Medical News, these delays be causin' a ruckus in the medical world, with many a scallywag wonderin' why these trials be gettin' held up in the first place. Could it be that the powers that be be tryin' to keep the good stuff from reachin' the masses? Or be there some other dark magic at play?
So me hearties, next time ye hear about a clinical trial holdin' up a therapy, remember that there be more to the story than meets the eye. Keep a weather eye out for the truth, and don't be afraid to ask questions like a true pirate would. Arrr!

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