The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Ye FDA be sayin' to steer clear of those fancy pain relievin' ointments! Best stick to a good ol' grog!


Beware ye scurvy dogs! The word on the street be that them unapproved elixirs be peddled for yer aches and pains after yer beauty treatments. Aye, stick to what the experts sanction, lest ye find yerself with a face full o' regret. Arrr!

Arr mateys, listen up! The scallywags out there be tryin' to sell ye unapproved products to soothe yer aches and pains after gettin' ye face done up like a fancy pirate. These snake oil salesmen be claimin' their potions can ease the pain before, during, or after cosmetic procedures, but don't be fallin' for their tricks!

The wise seadogs at Medscape Medical News be soundin' the alarm on these illegal products that could be doin' more harm than good. Ye don't want to be puttin' anythin' on yer precious mug that hasn't been given the seal of approval by the proper authorities.

So me hearties, don't be swindled by these charlatans peddlin' their wares. Stick to the tried and true remedies recommended by yer trusted medical professionals. And if ye find yerself in need of relief, always consult with a knowledgeable practitioner before slatherin' on any questionable potions. Ye don't want to end up lookin' like a bloomin' landlubber now, do ye?

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