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Arrr! Scurvy sepsis be too oft forgotten in them landlubber hospitals. Avast, ye scallywags!


Avast ye! 'Tis a sorry tale, mateys! A mere 55% of our fine ship's hospitals claim their leaders be given proper time to oversee the sepsis programs. A medical emergency that be affecting o'er 1.7 million souls! Arrr, 'tis a shame, says Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, mateys! It be a travesty on the high seas of healthcare! According to the scallywags over at Medscape Medical News, a measly 55% of those sepsis teams in the US of A be havin' proper time to manage their programs. Aye, 'tis a sorry state of affairs indeed.

Y'see, sepsis be no joke, lads and lasses. It be a medical emergency that be affectin' a whole lot of poor souls, at least 1.7 million of 'em. Arrr, think 'bout that for a moment. That be a whole crew o' sailors in dire need of help!

Now, ye might be wonderin' what these sepsis teams be doin'. Well, me hearties, they be the ones keepin' a sharp eye out for signs o' sepsis, makin' sure they can spot it faster than a seagull snatchin' a fish. And when they do, they be jumpin' into action, savin' lives like true heroes o' the seven seas.

But here's the rub: only 73% o' them hospitals even have these sepsis teams in the first place. Aye, that be a whole quarter o' the hospitals missin' out on the chance to fight the scurvy dog known as sepsis. And of those that do have these teams, only 55% be givin' their leaders proper time to manage the whole shebang!

Arrr, it be a shame, it be! Ye'd think that savin' lives would be a top priority for all these landlubbers runnin' the hospitals. But alas, it seems some be more concerned with countin' pieces of eight and arguin' over dubloons.

So, me hearties, let's raise our mugs o' grog to those brave souls in the sepsis teams. May they be given the time they need to fight this deadly foe. And may those scallywags in charge o' the hospitals realize that when it comes to sepsis, there be no time to waste!

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