The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! High doses o' Valproate be makin' ye gain weight faster than a pirate plunderin' a treasure chest!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that this Valproate remedy, meant to quell the storm within yer brain, may cause ye to gain weight like a bloated sea whale! Beware the side effects of this cursed medicine, lest ye find yerself too heavy to walk the plank!

Avast ye scallywags! High doses o' Valproate be makin' ye gain weight faster than a pirate plunderin' a treasure chest!

Avast ye mateys! Thar be news on the high seas about a powerful potion known as Valproate! This here drug, used for battling the demons of epilepsy and mental maladies, be causin' some unfortunate side effects. Aye, 'tis true, the scallywags who take too much of this Valproate may find themselves gainin' weight like a bloated whale!
The wise scribes at Medscape Medical News have uncovered this treacherous tale, warnin' all ye landlubbers to beware the dangers of this cursed drug. If ye find yerself takin' high doses of Valproate, it may be best to consult with a knowledgeable healer to avoid the dreaded weight gain.
So me hearties, take heed of this warning and remember to watch yer dosage when dealin' with Valproate. 'Tis a powerful weapon in the fight against epilepsy and mental afflictions, but like any good plunder, too much can lead to unwanted consequences. Fair winds and smooth sailin', me mateys!

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