The Booty Report

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Arrr! New tiny mateys be fightin' off scurvy with mighty potion. Yarr, bless the mighty seas!


Arrr! The wee scallywags who be given the new potion for RSV right after they be born be 90% less likely to be struck down with the deadly lung malady, says the CDC. Aye, a fine way to keep the little ones shipshape and hearty!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! The CDC be tellin' us that them wee babes who be gettin' the new preventive treatment for RSV soon after bein' born be 90% less likely to be struck down with that nasty respiratory illness! Aye, me eyes be poppin' out me head with that news! Ye best believe it, me mateys!
So, if ye be havin' a tiny tot, make sure ye be askin' yer doc about this here preventive treatment. It be worth its weight in gold, I tell ye! No need to be worryin' about that RSV takin' hold of yer little one and sendin' ye into a panic. Aye, me heart be singin' with joy at the thought of them wee ones bein' protected from such a dreadful fate!
So there ye have it, me buccaneers! Take heed of the CDC's warnin' and make sure ye be keepin' yer young'uns safe from harm. Aye, the seas may be rough, but with this preventive treatment, ye can navigate the waters of parenthood with ease and peace o' mind. Arrr!

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