The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis the secret to havin' yer scallywag patients returnin' for their cursed follow-up cancer tests!


Avast ye, me hearties! Ye be needin' them fancy EHR reminders, phone calls, and letters to keep yer sorry hides alive on this treacherous sea of life! Ay, Medscape Medical News be preachin' the ways o' survival, so pay heed, ye scurvy dogs!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, aye be tellin' ye a tale of how reminders, phone calls, an' letters be helpin' save lives, arrr! As ye know, the world be changin' faster than a ship caught in a storm. With newfangled technologies like EHR reminders, those clever landlubbers in the medical field be communicatin' with their patients in ways we could only dream of back in me day.

Now, me mateys, picture this: ye be sailin' the high seas, fightin' scurvy and other unmentionable maladies. Suddenly, a message in a bottle washes ashore, carryin' news from yer trusty doctor. It be tellin' ye to take yer medicine or come in for a check-up! Aye, such a simple thing, but it be savin' lives, it be.

But that ain't all! These landlubber doctors be usin' their fancy gadgets to send reminders straight to yer pocket. Aye, ye heard right! Messages be ringin' in like a ship's bell, remindin' ye to take yer pills or visit the doctor. It be like havin' a parrot on yer shoulder, squawkin' reminders all day long.

And if that ain't enough, these doctors be sendin' letters, just like the ones ye get from yer long-lost cousin in Tortuga. They be sendin' ye reminders, appointments, and even results of tests. Ye don't even need to leave the comfort of yer own ship to get the news!

So, me hearties, next time ye see an EHR reminder, answer the phone, or find a letter addressed to ye, be grateful for these advances in medicine. These communication methods be helpin' save lives, one scallywag at a time. Now, it be time for me to set sail, but remember, mates, stay connected with yer doctors, or ye may find yerself walkin' the plank!"

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