The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Eli Lilly be sellin' their obesity drug straight to ye scurvy dogs!


On Thursday, Eli Lilly set sail on a grand quest, unveiling its portal straight to the patient. They be offerin' their obesity potions, along with remedies for the cursed diabetes and throbbin' migraines. Avast, me hearties, the treasure trove of healing be at yer fingertips!

In a bold move that would make even the most daring of pirates proud, Eli Lilly has launched its direct-to-patient portal. Avast, me hearties! This means that their obesity medicine, along with their diabetes and migraine drugs, can now be obtained directly by the consumer. No more scurvy doctors or pesky prescriptions to stand in the way!

Arrr, this be a game-changer indeed. With this new portal, Eli Lilly be takin' their medicines straight to the people, cuttin' out the middlemen. Ye won't be needin' a landlubber doctor to get what ye need anymore - just a trusty internet connection and a pirate's determination!

Ye might be wonderin' why this be such a big deal. Well, let me tell ye, mateys. In the olden days, ye'd have to schedule an appointment with a sea-farin' doctor, wait in line for hours, and then hope and pray that ye'd be granted a prescription for the medicine ye require. But now, thanks to Eli Lilly, ye can just log on to their portal, answer a few questions about yer health, and - shiver me timbers - ye can have the medicine delivered straight to yer doorstep! No more waitin' or worryin'!

It be a win-win for both the patients and Eli Lilly, ye see. The patients get easier access to the medicines they need, and Eli Lilly gets to bypass all those scallywag insurance companies and pharmacies. It's a pirate's dream - takin' control of yer own health and medications!

So, me hearties, raise the Jolly Roger and set sail for the world of direct-to-patient portals. Eli Lilly be leadin' the charge, and with their obesity medicine, diabetes drugs, and migraine remedies, they be helpin' pirates like us achieve a healthier and happier life. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of prescription pills!

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